IHHS Hall of Fame Annual Golf Outing
JUNE 27, 2024
Golf Club at Manion Ridge
Benefiting the Student-Athletes of Indian Hills HS
Sponsorship Opportunites
Swing Success Sponsorship: $300
Company Name on Welcome Banner
Longest Drive Sponsor: $250
Company LOGO on sign at the contest hole
Closest to the Pin Sponsor: $250
Company LOGO on sign at the contest hole
Green Tee Sponsor: $150
Company LOGO on a tee box (*hole will be chosen by organization)
Include a Foursome with your sponsorship: $620
*Must purchase a sponsorship
Fairway Finale Sponsorship: $3000
1st Tee Sign featuring company LOGO, LOGO on Welcome Banner (Center), Tee Gift Branding w/logo, Free Foursome & Speaker opportunity at Lunch
Tee Time Breakfast Sponsors: $1800
Inside Company Banner at Breakfast, one hole T-sign, Free Twosome (*hole will be chosen by organization)
Putting Partner Sponsorship (2 spots): $750
LOGO on Welcome Banner, center stage under Fairway Finale sponsor
Links Sponsorship (6 spots): $450
LOGO on Welcome Banner (lower 3rds placement)
If you're interested in including a foursome at a discounted rate, kindly complete the form provided below and submit payment, once you've finished requesting your sponsorship level. *Must purchase a sponsorship
We are a registered 501(c) 3 Organization