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Golf Ball in the sun_edited.jpg
IHHS Hall of Fame Annual Golf Outing
JUNE 27, 2024 

Golf Club at Manion Ridge

Benefiting the Student-Athletes of Indian Hills HS

Sponsorship Opportunites

Swing Success Sponsorship: $300

Company Name on Welcome Banner


Longest Drive Sponsor: $250
Company LOGO on sign at the contest hole


Closest to the Pin Sponsor: $250
Company LOGO on sign at the contest hole


Green Tee Sponsor: $150
Company LOGO on a tee box (*hole will be chosen by organization)


Include a Foursome with your sponsorship: $620
*Must purchase a sponsorship

Fairway Finale Sponsorship: $3000
1st Tee Sign featuring company LOGO, LOGO on Welcome Banner (Center), Tee Gift Branding w/logo, Free Foursome & Speaker opportunity at Lunch


Tee Time Breakfast Sponsors: $1800
Inside Company Banner at Breakfast, one hole T-sign, Free Twosome (*hole will be chosen by organization)


Putting Partner Sponsorship (2 spots): $750
LOGO on Welcome Banner, center stage under Fairway Finale sponsor


Links Sponsorship (6 spots): $450
LOGO on Welcome Banner (lower 3rds placement)

Please fill out your information and choose level of sponsorship 
Please check your preferred level of sponsorship
Upload File
Please check your preferred level of sponsorship

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

If you're interested in including a foursome at a discounted rate, kindly complete the form provided below and submit payment, once you've finished requesting your sponsorship level. *Must purchase a sponsorship
Include a Foursome with Sponsorship $620

We are a registered 501(c) 3 Organization

We Support IHHS Athletics by Unifying Parents of Athletes to promote School Spirit, Improve Communication and Raise funds for School Programs, Projects and Scholarships. 

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IHHS Main Office

Tel: (201) 337-0100 Opt. 2

97 Yawpo Avenue

Oakland, NJ 07436

Scholarship Opportunities The school's Guidance Department will notify seniors when the scholarship application period is open. Eligibility Requirements: Students applying for this scholarship must be an Indian Hills student. Students must be a 4 year PAC member who received a varsity letter. Students applying for this scholarship must be planning to attend a college or advanced schooling. Students applying for this scholarship must maintain a “B” average and be in good standing. Students applying for this scholarship must complete this application and essay. Amounts are based on successful fundraising for the current academic calendar year.

© 2023 by IHHS PAC

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